

影片展示銷毀貨品過程 影片展示銷毀貨品過程
  • 專人到貴公司講解及給予意見參考,了解貨件之物料及數量,重量等……並給予報價.
  • 若經貴公司同意,可安排貨件運送到本公司之工場進行環保處理工程.
  • 本公司會絕對依客戶之要求及指示, 進行一切客戶之要求, 以達至客戶滿意, 方可收取客戶之工程費用.
  • 本公司會以一向工作原則及經驗, 給客戶提供專業之意見.
  • 客戶可安排及委任人選監督工程進行並可進行拍照及筆記以作報告工程進度. 以確保工程進行無誤.
  • 本公司會先將客戶之貨件進行分類, 才進行處理工程, 例如: 紙箱, 膠料, 金屬等之分類, 並於處理後送往各不同環保回收再造渠道或回收商等.
  • 客戶可要求取回工程後餘下的一切物料.


  • We take care of the waste generated from most manufacturing, including any SCRAP of computer, electronics, paper, metal, plastics and etc. All waste would be classified into different categories such as below and delivered to the relevant facility for recycling purpose.
    • Paper & Cardboard
    • Metal - Aluminum, Ferrous & Copper
    • Plastics - Mylar, Cellophane and Polystyrene tray
  • All incoming wastes will go through a sorting process and be categorized into different recycling material groups. Then a press process is applied forming a bale for dispatch to different recycling locations.
    • Hydraulic down stroke Balers & Forklift are used for above purpose
    • Bales & bags will then be ready for shipment
  • After the packing process, all shipment would be sold and delivered for recycling process. For instance, plastics would be recycled for injection molding machine for plastics product production. Metal would be melted for hardware production. Paper would be heated and compressed to become recycled paper.
  • Our business is officially registered in HK serving the waste recycling within HK boundary.
  • We reclaim Gold, Silver, Copper, from defective or pulled out IC chips, transistor, semi-conductor, etc..!




  • 香港回收中心認為每一個人均有保護地球生態的責任,我們從所有方面節約能源及減少廢物,盡量減低對自然環境的不良影響,共同努力,締造健康和愉快的環境。
  • 香港回收中心作為負責任的企業,也積極支持環保活動,實踐環保措施並持續向員工及客戶宣揚環保意識,以支持可持續發展。香港回收中心並於2014加入大自然保護協會(The Nature Conservancy),以共同保護生命賴以生存的土地和水資源,推動全球化的保育。

